martes, 15 de enero de 2013

Experiment 1. Turning a white carnation red and blue.

In order to do this experiment we follow these steps:
1.       We take three long-stemmed white carnations.
2.       We pour some drops of food colouring into two jars with water, turning water red and blue.
3.       We slice one carnation´s stem in half lengthways.
4.       We place carnation 1 in the red water jar, carnation 2 in the blue water jar and carnation 3, we place half the stem in the blue water and the other half in the red water.
5.       We make our predictions.
6.       We note down what we observe every day.

After some days we can see this evidence:
1.       Carnation 1 turns red.
2.       Carnation 2 turns blue.
3.       Half the carnation is red and the other half is still white.
After some discussion we agree that have the carnation is still white because something went possibly wrong. Maybe the stem is broken and that is why it does not absorb water.
·         What happens?
Carnations absorb water through the stem.

·         What does this experiment tells us about plants?
Plants absorb water and food from the soil by the roots and  takes them up to the leaves and flowers through the stem. In the case of  carnations the stem absorbs the water as there are no roots.

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