martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Our Body.

These are some important links wich can clarifly what we have seen into the class:

muscles  Power point.

I remind you that we have the Science text next Monday.

Good luck!

sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Repaso números de tres cifras.

Si quieres repasar los numeros de tres cifras, te he preparado estos diez ejercicios. Como ves son muy fáciles. Si te apetece hacerlos y que te los corrija, puedes imprimirlos  y dármelos en clase, o mandármelos por e-mail.
Números de tres cifras.

Números de cuatro y cinco cifras.

Aquí va un enlace para practicar los números de cuatro y cinco cifras. No olvidéis poner el punto después se las unidades de millar.

Describir personas.

Aquí os dejo algunos enlaces que os pueden resultar útiles para describir personas.
Recordad que primero debemos referirnos a cómo es una persona físicamente y cómo va vestida y después hablaremos de su carácter.
Las palabras que utilizamos para referirnos a las personas: alta, baja, simpática, llaman adjetivos, aunque eso lo aprenderemos después.

Práctica de descripción.

Descripción de Telma y Bruno.


Aquí va el principio de un libro muy bonito llamado  "Platero y yo" escrito por un poeta llamado Juan Ramón Jiménez.,  habla de la relación entre un niño y un burro. Es un cuento precioso que yo leí cuando tenía vuestra edad por primera vez y que os animo a leer.
Aunque Platero es un burro, esta es una descripción suya. Además de  personas, también podemos describir a animales.

Platero y yo


Después de leer el libro " Las locas aventuras de un caballero y su juglar", el viernes, dos actores vinieron al cole a representarlo. ¡ Eran divertidísimos!
Ellos solos representaron un montón de papeles y nos hicieron reir de buena gana.

Peter`s Project Work: Our Body.

As I said, during this week, Peter, our British Council Counsellor will introduce a new project about the body
We will focus now on this proyect and we will come back to our project work about the 5 senses when we finish with this one.
To introduce it, Peter has told us a story called "From Head to Toe" and we are making a minibook . He will also teach about bones and muscles. Peter and me are working together with this project and we hope you take a profit from it!

 I post some photos  which will help us.


These are some important links about  the eye and its functions. Although you have a lot of information here, you have to focus on five parts mainly:
Iris, pupil, eye ball, lens and retina. As you know, these parts are for vision.
There are other parts for protection, such as eyelids, eyelashes and eyebrow.

The 5 Senses. Sight.

With the sense of sight we interrupt this project work for a couple of weeks as a new project will be introduced by Peter.

We have seen a video about how difficult life can be for a blind person and how when we have one sense damaged, we use the other four senses more accurately.

Then we have learned that blind people can read. They use braille system to do it.

Finally, we have made a poster showing the parts of the eye and its functions in braille system.

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

Marco Polo.

Sometimes we go out from school. Today he have enjoyed "Marco Polo" at Teatro de la Paz.

We have seen two volunteers on stage!
Where´s Spain, Elianne?????

The 5 senses. Day 2.

Today, we have learned and performed a song.

First of all, the rehearsal.
And after that...The performance!

Then, in Science time, we have learn about sight and how our eye works. We have also made some experiments. Afterimages.

Do you remember whar kind of problem does a colour blind person have?

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Project work. The 5 senses. Day 1.

Today we have started a project work about the five senses!
We´ll connect English, Science and Art and we,ll learn about the importance of the five senses.

To start with, we have learnt some  important vocabulary.

Later on, in groups we have been touching different objects without seeing them. Touch is important. Although we have touched with our fingers, we have learned that the organ of touch is skin!

Then, we have worked on their properties: Is it rough or smooth? Is it round? Is it big?
Finally we have tried to guess what object was it and...we were right in many cases!

Have you opened your eyes?

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

And we have enjoyed the book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle and made a minibook!

We have also learnt about the life cycle of a caterpillar.
We are just finishing our first lesson in Science.
We have been learning about life cycle. We have learn lots of things about the circle of life with the Lion King !
Comenzamos los primeros días del otoño construyendo un poema en nuestros grupos, haciendo un moral otoñal con él y pegándolo en la puerta de la clase para recibirnos durante estos meses.
Aunque todavía hace bastante calor, pronto nos dará gustito entrar a clase cuando empiece a refrescar por las mañanas.