miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

Climate World Conference Performances.

Here we have five of our twenty five climate experts telling us about their cities: Valencia, Nairobi, Barrow, London, Paris and La Havana. Good job!!!

martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

Weather and Climate.

Here you have the standards and final tasks for this unit:

Weather and climate criteria and f.t from Jose Martínez Alcolea

First of all we are going to get ready for our finil task about climate. We are invited to a very important climate conference representing our city. In order to do so, we are going to learn about diferences between climate and weather, factors affecting climate and different climates in the world. Regarding Spain climate we prepare a book in groups as part of our Spanish literacy project.
This is the first things we do related to climates in the world:

Climates in the world from Jose Martínez Alcolea

We also register temperature and precipitation everyday and at the end we´ll prepare a graph:

Measuring rain and temperature from Jose Martínez Alcolea

Differences between weather and climates:

some games

Some information:

Climates of the wold from Jose Martínez Alcolea

In order to need everything we need, we play different games, watch videos, see videos and investigate with computers about different cities: London, Paris, Valencia, Barrow, Nairobi and La Havana. We investigate climate, language, customs,... in order to prepare our presentations.

Very soon you will see the presentations....