domingo, 24 de enero de 2016

Searching and sharing information

After having lots of input. we select different animals as examples from every group. That is: an lion as a mamal, a shark as a fish and so on. We look for information in the computers room and complete information in a worksheet ( breathing, reproduction...). Then, back again in the class, everyone compares the resultos of investigation with othes and they carry the information to the group.
Then every group is going to prepare a report about vertebrates. In order to prepare the reports we read a book :"The Emperor Penguin".

Vertebrates information and games

Chameleon facts and literacy books.

We learnt some interesting things abouut chameleons and then prepared a mixed-up one. After revising parts of a tale, we prepared some books...

Here you can see some books:

jueves, 14 de enero de 2016


Welcome back.
We start our project about animals and as  a starting point, we are having fun with a classic book: "The Mixed-up Chamelion" by Eric Carle. We have worked on a guide with parts of a tale ( characters, setting, main problem,...) then, we have invented a mixed up animal and we have  learnt about chamelions.
Thanks to our lovely teacher and assistant Rosa for the flashcards and the support.
  To be continued....